Monday, June 11, 2012

Being a Pro at Organized Chaos - The Fun of Fractal Generation

This article has been copied in its entirety from the original source here: Many people have become familiar in recent years with the fractal, or at least have heard the term in speech. A fractal in the most common sense is a visual graph made by a computer based on the results of an algorhythm that generates random numbers. Combine these algorhythms with a color map and a set of X-Y or even X-Y-Z coordinates and behold, you have an object or picture that represents one of these many unique equations. There are many places online where you can find amazing fractals in the form of wallpapers, freely available for download and use on your 'puters, pads and phones. If you want to be one of those who unlocks the power of the fractal yourself, to create incredible works of art using the power of your computer, you need to download a fractal generation program such as ChaosPro and begin to teach yourself a few things. ChaosPro comes pre-loaded with a number of color pattern and fractal presets, both 3D and 2D - and it gives you the ability to overlap some with amazing spacey effects. Careful - you may find yourself lost in the infinitely-detailed chaotic order of the cosmos which is a fractal generation and get lost for hours if not days in the infinite - I wish I was kidding. Anyway, geek away by all means, but geek safely. Don't upset any family members too much - and remember, you should probably report in every 24 hours to make sure they know you're still alive. Here are some of the handful of fractals I generated within the first 24 hours of installing this amazing program! Click each for a hi-res image which you can download and use for desktop and/or fixed website wallpaper (set to "tile" or "center" - not stretch).
Clouds of titan
Clouds of Titan
clouds of titan 3
Clouds of titan 4
clouds of titan 5
Myst 2
Myst with nebula
Bubble Ships
Bubble Ships 2
Bubble Ships 3
Cometary Debris
MotherShip Connection
Cometary Debris With Galaxy
Another Connection
Connection Vermeer
Bubble Ships 4
Myst with neb 2
Of course there will be more to come soon. Check back frequently for more awesome designs! For now please enjoy responsibly and respectfully! And Please, please, be nice to your significant others! Don't just completely drop off the face of the planet into fractal awesomeness. Thanks for reading.

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